The Amazing Power of Human Perceptions

I am fascinated by the role and influence that perceptions have on human existence. It would seem reasonable to conclude that perceptions play some type of primal role in every aspect of human existence. Perceptions protect us, ground us, move us to action when...

The Bible: Not Always an Easy Read

   We were recently visited by two friends, former church acquaintances (we no longer attend a former church). The fellowship was very refreshing and the time passed very quickly. There were stories exchanged, songs sung, and a couple meals shared. A good time to...

Tender Moments Create Strong Family Bonds

My mother was a story teller. She loved to sing and she developed my love for poetry. She would see a bird hopping on the ground or a lizard running in the yard and she would entertain me by making up a story about a conversation they may be having. She did this all...
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