A Parable About Death (Part III)

  UggBoy♥UggGirl [ PHOTO // WORLD // TRAVEL ] / Foter1970’s Pop Music diva Donna Summer died sometime in the morning of May 17, 2012. The media reported that her death was due to unspecified lung cancer. Like Whitney Houston who lost her life earlier this...


Cea. / Foter  The Bosom of Abraham and Hades The parable of Lazarus and the Rich man (Luke 16) has long been one of the alleged “proof-positives” of traditional “churchianity”, that there is a heaven and a hell where the righteous and the unrepentant go respectively....

Are You a Sunday Worshipper? Does it Matter?

Please take the time to read this revealing series of articles published in the “Catholic Mirror” in 1893.  The title of these series of articales is:  Rome ’s Challenge—Why Do Protestants Keep Sunday? I’d be interested in your take on this most...
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