
We were blessed this past weekend to have observed the Feast of Trumpets (or the day of the blowing of the shofar) as documented in Lev. 23:24, 25; Num. 29:1, 2. You will see that the Eternal designated the first day of the seventh month as t this great day of shofar (typically a ram’s horn) blowing; a means of celebrating triumph. Judaism and the world at large refer to this day as Rosh Hashana.

Typically the blowing of trumpets in and around ancient Israel signaled the start of a battle and served to warn the people of the impending dangers ahead. However, this specific day of trumpet blowing served an entirely different purpose: one of joy, singing and fellowship.

Many will say that this is a Jewish holiday that should not be observed by modern-day Christians since the Apostle Paul insinuated that the law was nailed to the cross of Christ (Col. 2:14). But the truth of the matter is that the law was NOT nailed to the cross of Christ. This teaching is fraught with error, much to the weakening of modern Churchianity. The problem seems to be the phrase “handwriting of requirements that was against us” in the New King James Version or “handwriting of ordinances against us” in the King James Version. Western rationalization of these terms would naturally associate the Law of Moses as the handwriting of requirements or ordinances that were against us. But a sound Palestinian understanding of these terms clears the misconception entirely. “Handwriting” of ordinances or requirements in ancient Palestine was simply a note or bill of debt given to a debtor by a- would- be creditor, much like our present day credit card and mortgage statements. Thus, when Y’ shua was nailed to the cross, he assumed and paid our debt. It goes without saying then that this passage has nothing to do with abolishing the law and certainly Paul never intended that such an erroneous misunderstanding would be garnered from his writings.

Thus the Feast of Trumpets (as well as the remainder of the holy days and the law, with the exception of certain expiation type sacrifices) remains a solemn day of observance for today’s engrafted Christian. But, we have an expanded understanding of the significance of this day. Under the renewed covenant the Feast of Trumpets rehearses the return of Y’ shua to earth to gather His elect from the four corners of the earth and established his millennial kingdom here on earth.

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